The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!

Tag: Sama Goodies

Sama Gazette Goodies: wallpapers, buttons, icons…

We receive emails on a regular basis asking us if there are wallpapers of the Sama Gazette or buttons/icons to link to the site. Until today, the answer was ‘Yes, there will be soon!’. As of now, the answer is: ‘Yes, there is plenty!’. The whole package is available directly on this page or from the top right sidebar, you only have to click on the black rectangular button to access the ‘Sama Goodies’ page. We made ...

Easter Sama Hunt: find Max Dana’s new drawing!

Whether you are into religious celebrations or not, Easter is fun (eating chocolate -milk, dark, semisweet, bittersweet, unsweetened…). Easter egg Sama hunt even more. So we decided to hide an Easter Sama on the Sama Gazette. If you find it, you will have a glimpse at a never-before-seen drawing by Max Dana, photographed from her very own Moleskine she mentioned on her blog: My Moleskine, Cary Grant, some Asti Spumante and a Goldorus. Dear Sama ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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