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Art in Mexico with Vargas-Suarez Universal

Rafael Vargas-Suarez, known as Vargas-Suarez Universal, is an internationally recognized contemporary and visual artist from Mexico, now living and working in Brooklyn. We have recently seen his work in an art magazine (we didn’t take notes so we couldn’t remember which one it was) and we immediately liked what he does.

Whether it is on large-scale wall drawings, on the surface of discarded satellite dishes or on paintings or photography, V-SU‘s work often involves sound. In his art, he also likes to transform and manipulate information and nature as well as architecture.

You can find more information about Vargas-Suarez Universal on Wishwash website. This loose collective of artists started forming around 1990 in Houston, Texas. It has since spread to Austin, Ohio, San Francisco and New York. They all strive in our own way to develop our creative selves to look beyond the obvious and to create art that contains a dialogue with humanity.

Illustrating this post: Virus Americanus XI (Detail) 2002, oil and ink on canvas.
Illustration below: Space Station: Terra II 2004 , oil on wood. Private Collection, Miami.

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