The Sama Gazette

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The colorful world of paper sculptures by Jen Stark

If you had a bad start to the day, if the weather is cold, rainy and grey outside and if you are not in a good mood, then we have something to show you. Her name is Jen Stark and she hand cuts sheets of paper to make amazing and colorful paper sculptures.

In an interview with ARTLURKER in 2008, when asked: ‘What draws you to color?‘, Stark said: ‘I have done one or two black and whites but I like using color a lot more. I am really into looking at color gradients and I feel like color makes people happy. I also feel like it grabs your attention a lot more. Maybe if I want a piece to be subtle or hidden I wont use color, or use more muted colors but I really like how it’s so vibrant. I like color.’

We are used to Max Dana‘s black and white World of Sama but we have to say we are seduced by so many colors and this level of technicity. We hope we don’t sound too unfaithful to our ‘Master’ 😉

So if you want to add some color in your day, visit Jen Stark’s website, check for the Sculpture and Drawing sections, as well as the Shop section, maybe you will enjoy wearing one of her t shirts. And if you are not already convinced by the positive results of Stark’s work on your mood, watch the animation below!

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