The Sama Gazette

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International Human Rights Day 2009

International Human Rights Day 2009

2009 marks the 61st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It’s an important event and last year, we had the chance to live the events related to the 60th anniversary; in December 08, Max Dana launched the “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign (The Elders) on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Neither of us ever heard of The Elders before nor the Every Human Has Rights Campaign, but we knew December 10th was the International Human Rights Day (we are not totally ignorant). We realized how important was that day when we visited Every Human Has Rights Website and when we read the stories from people fighting for free speech all around the world, providing testimonies on how it is difficult to fight for human rights in so many countries.

Honestly, we (and I  talk for the whole Sama Team since this post is a collective one) didn’t really care about this day. But when Max Dana decided to launch the “60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary” Initiative, we really had to bring ourselves up-to-date on this matter. Max has been committed to Human Rights for a long time but it was the first time she decided to take an active part to the events. It was a long journey and that is when many things changed for us.

We have learned a lot the past months, and we are now conscious Human Rightsneed everyone to be respected. We, not only as members of the Sama Team but as individuals and citizens, give our support in a way (donating money) or another (volunteer work). That’s why we also decided to talk on the Sama Gazette, on a regular basis, about organizations and people working to help others and bringing awareness. If we found a way to do something, anyone can!

Neither of us is ‘Human Rights savvy’, we are not experts and we are in no position to give out lessons to anyone, but we wanted to share our experience with you today. With simple words. There are so many things to work on, as we already talked about: The (new) blood diamonds: it ain’t a movie…, RAISE Hope for Congo: Activism you can wear, Aung San Suu Kyi back to home confinement, Buy (RED) Save Lives – JoinRED Fight AIDS, World AIDS Day: Get (RED)! 

Everyday we do our best to ‘do something good’. And we have an excellent mentor. We have our doubts but we have this little flame inside of us telling us nothing is impossible, everything can be changed. Although we are far from being naive. For those who doubt, please read Max Dana article: Darfur, Congo, Burma: is ‘good will’ enough? The answer might not be the one you expect, and it may raise some questions, with nuances and subtleties, because nothing is simple.

Today is International Human Rights Day 2009. Now you know. We invite you to read the article by Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

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