The Sama Gazette

Your Daily Dose of All Things Sama and More Since 2009!

Tag: Wendy Brandes

Wendy Brandes swear rings and the ‘misinterpretation’

On April 29, our favorite jewelry designer, Wendy Brandes, wrote on her blog: ‘I’m SMH at Topshop’s Version of My Swear Rings’. In her post, she explained: ‘The sterling-silver swear-ring set from my WENDYB by Wendy Brandes line has been one of my most popular designs since I introduced it at a designer friend’s runway show in 2008.’ She just realized a huge corporate chain store was selling swear rings looking just like ...

da-eYe strikes the Wendy Brandes Pose – Literally

What happens when da-eYe meets Wendy Brandes? The WendyB pose happens. da-eYe struck the Wendy Brandes Pose and we love it! Everything started when we read: WendyB Called. She Wants Her Pose Back. After she wrote about *bitches* stealing her trademark crossed-leg pose, she encouraged all the wimmins to go for the full-on pose in Strike My Pose, There’s Nothing to It! VOGUE! We loved the idea, shared it with Max (we wished for a minute she would be ...

The Sama Gazette: First Anniversary!

Today is our first anniversary. The Sama Gazette was launched on July 28th, 2009: The Sama Gazette is now online… Time passes so quickly! During this first year, we shared with you what caught our attention, what we liked and the organizations and campaigns we support. Our first supporters are our valued Sama Readers who from the beginning of this great adventure, post comments, send emails and read us everyday. Many of them even actively support ...

Friday Digest: Banksy, H.Jones, Water, W.Brandes, Intel…

This is our new Friday Digest! Every Friday, this weekly news round-up gives us the occasion to share with you news from various topics: politics to arts, entertainment, media, science, sports, fun and less fun news… This digest is a list of news published this week on the Internet (Friday to Friday), selected by the Sama Team, and it is by no means exhaustive. If you want to suggest a news to be added in the next Friday Digest, contact us. The ...

Mother’s Day: Gifts, articles and mothers over the world

Mother’s Day is an annual holiday that recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well the positive contributions that they make to society. In the United States, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May (May 8 this year) but in Norway it was celebrated in February, in France it will be on May 30, in Indonesia in December… Every country its own date to celebrate Mothers. So we decided to celebrate Mother’s Day ...

Twitter Sunday: Favorites Tweets in 2009

  Every Sunday, it’s Twitter Sunday on the Sama Gazette. A weekly rendezvous where we share with you our Favorites Tweets from the people/organizations/companies we follow on Twitter. Today is the last Sunday of the year, so we decided to list all our Twitter Sunday posts since we started the rendezvous.   A good way to know more about our ‘Friends’ on Twitter, discover their humor, learn more about their commitment…   Twitter ...

Twitter Sunday: Fav. Tweets @WendyBrandes

  Last October, we published an article: Onyx Skull Ring by Wendy Brandes. We really liked the Onyx Skull Ring created by the designer and that’s why we shared it with you. Since then, we have been following Wendy Brandes on Twitter and we don’t regret it: she’s a great designer but she also has a brilliant sense of humor. So it comes as no surprise our Twitter Sunday of today is about our Favorites Tweets @WendyBrandes!   ...

Onyx Skull Ring by Wendy Brandes

Whether you’re into jewelry or not, sometimes you can fall for a ring. On a totally different style from the Milly Carnivora created by Victoire de Castellane for Christian Dior we presented you this Summer, the Onyx Skull Ring created by Wendy Brandes is awesome and we know someone who will be very interested by this kind of dark onyx jewelry when she will read this post… Ring description: One-of-a-kind, hand-made 18K ring with large onyx ...

Note: Posts published before April 2020 have been archived. Some older posts may remain available

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